Below is a list of frequently asked questions about Sahar Bakery .
If you can not find your answers here, please feel free to contact us by phone, email or simply leave your questions in comment area of contact us page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

1. Where to buy Sahar Bakery Products

You can purchase our products online via our website or in person from our flagship location at 1150-577 Nicola Ave Port Coquitlam.

Alternatively, our products can be found in major Persian supermarkets across lower mainland.

2. Commercial and Wholesale

We are happy to serve commercial users and retailers, to know more about details and how it works Please contact  Sahar Bakery office.

3. How to store Sahar Bread long term.

Our product is best enjoyed fresh as there are no preservatives added to our ingredients. For longer terms storage, we recommend freezing our product. Our breads are suitable for home freezing.

4.Using Sahar Bread as a pizza base

YES! Our bread makes for a wonderful pizza base.

Please note that when baking your pizza using our bread, the cooking time will be a few minutes less than an average pizza dough.

5. Home Delivery

Sahar Bakery offers home delivery for customers within most cities in lower mainland, BC. You can place your order via phone at 604-726-5026

or simply order via our website

6. Home Delivery Fee

Home delivery is free on orders $30 and above.

We do not offer home delivery for orders below $30.

7. Canada and US Shipping

We offer Shipping across Canada and US. The shipping cost is dependant on the destination and the customer will be responsible for the shipping cost.