1. Home Delivery:
Sahar Bakery offers home delivery for customers within most cities in lower mainland, BC. You can place your order via phone at 604-726-5026
or simply order via our website .
Home delivery is free on orders $30 and above.
We do not offer delivery service for orders below $30
2. Commercial Delivery
We have free delivery service for commercial users and retailers, to know about details and how it works, please call us.
3. Canada and US Shipping
We offer Shipping across Canada and US. The shipping cost is dependant on the destination and the customer will be responsible for the shipping cost.
4. Recycling:
Recycling plastics has never been easier, Help us to return the bread bags and cracker containers to recycling centre and keep our living environment safe.
You can keep all Sahar Bakery plastics containers and return them to our delivery man.
Sahar Bakery start doing this program since 2014 .